Urban Hygiene

PHOBI Fenox EC +

Emulsifiable concentrate for sensitive areas in public hygiene, animal husbandry, waste and garbage treatment as well as for POA/POV premises. Tobacco processing. Very effective against crawling insects, dust mites and bed bugs but also to control insects in stored food.



  • 12 weeks residual action,
  • Solvents not classified for the environment,
  • Broad spectrum of action – Authorized in POV storage rooms containing packaged food.
PT18. Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Respect the precautions for use.

Technical Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet


Urban Hygiene

PHOBI Fenox EC +

Emulsifiable concentrate for sensitive areas in public hygiene, animal husbandry, waste and garbage treatment as well as for POA/POV premises. Tobacco processing. Very effective against crawling insects, dust mites and bed bugs but also to control insects in stored food.



  • 12 weeks residual action,
  • Solvents not classified for the environment,
  • Broad spectrum of action – Authorized in POV storage rooms containing packaged food.

Technical Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet

PT18. Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Respect the precautions for use.

Product long description

Active Substance

Etofenprox 300g/L – Geraniol 0,9g/L


Type of Formation

Emulsifiable concentrate



Darkling beetles, cockroaches, ants, fleas, mites, bed bugs, triboliums, lasioderms, weevils… (some targets and uses are different between countries)



Knock down effect and residual action (up to 3 months) on porous and non-porous materials





Dose of use

SURFACE TREATMENT: 50 mL of product in 5L of water to treat 100 m²



Upon 1L bottle

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